soft metal, forcing manufacturers to add alloys
Pure silver is a soft metal, forcing manufacturers to add alloys to strengthen it. Otherwise known as sterling si find lver, it usually contains other metals such as copper or zinc. In general, sterling silver is 92.5% silver, which is why you’ll notice ‘925’ on the jewelry pieces. This means the remaining 7.5% of the jewelry must contain another metal. Additionally, sterling can be above 92.5%, but the amount cannot fall below the threshold. You may see other labels, s house uch as ‘800’, indicating the jewelry is 80% silver. You’ll normally see the 800-label attached to silverware. The label ‘500’ shows the piece comprises 50% silver. The 500 alternative is a good choice for the budget-minded consumer. However, be wary of disreputable merchants who may try to marke business t 500 jewelry as something higher. Note: Sterling-plated jewelry is misleading. This is jewelry containing plated silver. Designed to look fancier, sterling-plated jewe...